March 18th is an important date for Juniors and Seniors!
Click here for more detailed information about this important day for all juniors and seniors regarding ACT Testing and College Day!
Family and Community Information Night @ HJSHS
Join us for this fun and informative event for the entire family! See what your child can experience at Humboldt City Schools!
Important Health Message!
Please click and read this important Health Message for our Humboldt Families!
Humboldt City Schools Visitors Code of Conduct for anyone visiting any HCS campus. All visitors must read and adhere to the policies in this document. Click Here for Document
FROM JUDGE MARK JOHNSON -- ATTENTION PARENTS: Most of the current violations of the Tobacco Free Youth Act that are being seen in juvenile court are students in possession of vapes. Many of these students are in possession of vapes that contain THC (marijuana). Please understand that these students can be charged with the more serious delinquent offense of "possession of drug paraphernalia." With this offense, the court has more options at its disposal to deal with the problem.
***Please be aware that beginning January 4, 2024, Humboldt Jr./Sr. High School will only allow the use of CLEAR BACKPACKS by students and staff. Students may carry a small, non-clear pouch in their backpack to hold personal items, such as cellphones, money and/or hygiene products. We wanted to provide sufficient notice prior to this change in procedure when we return from the Christmas Break. Thank you for your attention to this matter.
***Para estudiantes y personal de HJSHS: a partir del 4 de enero de 2024, Humboldt Jr./Sr. La escuela secundaria solo permitirá el uso de MOCHILAS TRANSPARENTES por parte de los estudiantes y el personal. Los estudiantes pueden llevar una bolsa pequeña y no transparente en su mochila para guardar artículos personales, como teléfonos celulares, dinero y/o productos de higiene. Queríamos avisar con suficiente antelación de este cambio de procedimiento cuando volvamos de las vacaciones de Navidad. #hcsvikings #onthemove #safetyfirst
ATTENTION ALL PARENTS! Click here to read this important letter from Juvenile Court Judge, Mark Johnson!